Christenings take place on the 1st or the 3rd Sunday at Wye Church either within the 10am Communion Service or afterwards at 12.30pm.
To arrange a christening (the baptism of a baby or child), please contact the church office. Older children and adults are sometimes baptised in the river as well as younger children and babies baptised in the church. However, we normally use the font! Adult baptisms also take place during our annual confirmation service.
To arrange a christening at any of our Benefice Churches or if you have any queries relating to this particular life event, please contact the church office. Please ensure to include the name of the church with your enquiry.

We would love to be part of your special day and to do anything we can to make it extra special. In the last few years, we’ve had weddings in which:
the groom’s band led the congregation in singing Beatles’ songs
the bride’s three greyhounds were the bridesmaids
the couple’s child was christened in the same ceremony
and – within reason – anything goes! It’s your day and we want it to be appropriate for you.
Can we get married in a church?
You can get married in one of our churches as long as you or your partner:
have at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
were baptised in the parish concerned or
were prepared for confirmation in the parish or
have at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months
Or if one of your parents, at any time after you were born:
has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or
has regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for a period of at least 6 months
Or if one of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish
Please note that even if you don’t meet any of these criteria now, you can easily fulfil number 4 by regularly attending the church in question from this point on (and don’t panic: 'regularly' means monthly or fortnightly rather than weekly – although of course we’d be delighted to see you every week!). Please contact the church office for further information or to make a booking.
NB: If either of you is a non-EU passport holder, you will need to be married by 'Superintendent Registrar’s Certificate (SRC)'. For more information about applying for an SRC, visit the Government’s web page. Contact details for local (civil) register offices and designated register offices are given.
Where can I find out more about Church of England Weddings?
For more information about weddings in the Church of England please follow the link to Your Church Wedding.

If you would like to speak to us about arranging a funeral, a memorial, a thanksgiving service or a service of interment of ashes please contact a member of clergy or contact the church office clicking on the contact form button below.